Czech climber Martin Minarik, went missing Sunday on Annapurna. After two days, a helicopter search was called off. The 42-year-old had originally started with Dodo Kopold and Elizabeth Revol along the Bonington route, but their attempt was unsuccessful. Kopold left the expedition, but Minarik and Revol made a second effort towards the A Lange & Sohne Grand Saxonia Automatik Men's summit. They reached 8,016 meters before deciding to turn back on Apr. 19 because of severe winds. At 7,100 meters, Minarik was stricken with frostbite and exhaustion, so he and Revol split up. Revol made it to the village of Manang, where she was discovered by helicopter. She tried to detail her route of descent in Kathmandu.Aileen Torres
Through long voice delays I learned Trey left a day early so he could get to camp 3 and take a rest day up high while the rest of the team. Fabrizio, Rolf, Gerlinde and a Canadian named Megan were at 2 with Frippe at 6400m.Frippes climb from base camp to camp 2 was made in warm temperatures, low winds and scattered clouds. Tomorrows A Lange & Sohne Lange 1 Men's watch forecast calls for more clouds but reasonable temperatures and wind, with some snow possible. Summit day, or the 6th, is calling for great weather - warm, low wind and clear skies.Tomorrow the group from camp 2 moves 3 while takes a rest day. Thursday everyone moves to camp 4 at 8000m on the shoulder. Then Friday (most likely late Thursday night) everyone moves to the summit.
If they reach the summit by 2 PM on Friday Frippe will have to waste little time getting skiing. In our time zones that translates into 3 AM in Moab, UT and 11 AM in Sweden and France. If it takes him 6 hours to descent he may very well be using his headlamp for the last several hundred meters.The snow on skiers right was good from 7800m down A Lange & Sohne Watch very skiable, Frippe said about his ski descent from last weeks summit attempt. The climbing was difficult from all the rocks on the other side but the skiing was good. The terrain above the shoulder - to the summit - looks good but that remains to be seen. So the weather, team and everyones health looks good.