You should be careful in choosing the original ones. One way to buy the original ones is through eBay and Amazon. They make sure that the goods are original. Have you ever seen Hollywood stars and other celebrities with Louis Vuitton handbags through the TV, magazine or the Internet? As a matter of fact, it's rather common that there are dog packs out there taking the pictures of them, because that's their job. Stars and celebrities are then appearing in Hollywood Star magazines, and of course, Louis Vuitton handbags stand out. It's a good method of advertising for LV, I think.You'll also notice that many women would rather purchase used LV bags than to buy other unknown handbags. They often go to common auction sites in order to buy what they want, while the conditions of the designer handbags are usually quite good.
So if you are a woman who is interested in being like a star or celebrity, but cannot afford the costly price, maybe purchasing a used handbag is good choice for you. But before you make an order, please go through all the recommendations to make sure that what you buy is an original one. Take care, there are still a lot of unscrupulous merchants who are selling replica LV handbags, as they have outguessed the thoughts of those women who like to wear brand name goods but lack of enough money. Now I will introduce some methods to distinguish designer handbags from the replicas for your reference.GucciThe commonest replica of Gucci handbags is the Denim bag with "G" decorative patterns. In fact, the handbags with double"G"on them are all fakes.
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